222 Niantic Road, Barto, PA 19504
Phone: 610.845.2583
Office E-mail: christluthchurch@windstream.net
Rev. Matthew Finney, Pastor
Deborah Matthews, Parish Musician
Melissa Seasholtz, Administrative Assistant
Christ Lutheran Church is handicap accessible.
Please join us on a Sunday morning.
About us
Christ Lutheran Church is located in the quaint village of Niantic at the crossroads of Niantic and Congo-Niantic Roads, less than 1 mile off of route 100.
We are a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA). From the beginning, Christ Lutheran Church has grounded itself on God's amazing love, God's holy Word and sacrament.
Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, know that you are welcome here!
Our Mission:
We of Christ Lutheran Church Niantic...
GATHER to worship and praise God,
GROW through scripture and prayer, and
GO into the world to share God's love and grace.